Samim Faramarz, born in Kabul in 1990, was a remarkable journalist whose life was tragically cut short in the pursuit of truth. A bright student from an early age, Samim’s academic journey was distinguished by his exceptional performance at the Afghan-Turk High School, culminating in a prestigious scholarship to study journalism at Al-Farabi University in Almaty. At Al-Farabi, Samim excelled not only in journalism but also in mastering Kazakh and Russian, complementing his fluency in English, Pashto, and Farsi. His dedication and skill earned him recognition and set the stage for his return to Afghanistan. Upon his return, Samim joined TOLOnews, where he became known for his commitment to reporting on the harsh realities of his homeland.
Ramiz Ahmadi, born in 1994, was a dedicated and beloved cameraman who met an untimely end while fulfilling his journalistic duties. At just 24 years old, Ramiz had already made a significant impact through his work with TOLOnews in Kabul. Ramiz was not only a committed journalist but also a part-time law student, balancing his academic pursuits with his professional responsibilities. His dedication to his craft and his studies reflected his desire to contribute meaningfully to his country, even as it grappled with conflict and instability. Known for his ever-present smile and kind-hearted nature, Ramiz was cherished by colleagues and friends alike. His positive spirit and commitment to his work were evident in every assignment he undertook.
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